A Life of Books: Kat Davis, author of In a Dark Mirror

A Life of Books: Kat Davis, author of In a Dark Mirror

In her terrific debut crime novel, Kat Davis takes our obsession of solving old crimes and uses it to propel a page-turning psychological thriller. In a Dark Mirror blends dark crime and a tinge of horror to create an unforgettable book.

We asked the author to answer our recurring A Life of Books questionnaire so readers could get to know her a little better and get book recommendations to add to their pile of must-reads.

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Read an excerpt from A Haunting in Hialeah Gardens by Raul Palma

Read an excerpt from A Haunting in Hialeah Gardens by Raul Palma

Raul Palma‘s debut novel A Haunting in Hialeah Gardens is a genre-bending take on immigration, capitalism, and society through a lens of a magical realism ghost story. Palma follows a man named Hugo whose wife has died and a debt collector is hounding him. He uses his connection with spirits – one he doesn’t believe in – to pull some quick moves to get ahead in life. It all seems to be okay until… it isn’t.

Hialeah Gardens is an originally imaginative and sometimes quite hilarious book that will give readers something fresh that they haven’t really encountered before.

A Haunting in Hialeah Gardens is available now. You can read an excerpt from the novel below.

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